Participants 2023

Pegah Behroozi Nobar
Urban and Regional Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada
“Housing Strategies of the Urban Poor in Iran: Struggles for Ownership & Affordable Rental Housing in Karaj- Iran”


Rocío Calzado Lopez
Sciences Po Urban School, France
“Recycling Utopia, The influence of built form in the governance process of housing estates”


Federico Camerin
Universidad de Valladolid and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
“The Genoa’s Grass Snake that has changed its skin. Unplanning the regeneration of the Italian post-WWII social housing?”


Pedro Cortez
School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal
“The domino effect of gentrification in Lisbon, and its impacts on the county of Almada”


Alessandra D’Avila Vieira
Cities Ministry, Brazil


Pablo Gutiérrez
Housing Ministry, Ecuador


Lisa Kaufmann
Faculty of Design and Building Sciences, TH Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences
“Densification of post-war modernist housing settlements in Germany”

Fortune Mangara
Town and Regional Planning, University of South Africa
“Balancing the Need for Affordable Housing and Cultural Heritage Preservation: Strategies for Historic Cities”


Veera Niemi
Social Work, University of Turku, Finland
“Housing pathways of the displaced in an urban renewal process in Finland”


Anton Ösgård
Urban Sociology, Institute for Housing and Urban Research, Uppsala University, Sweden
“Ghetto Plan in Denmark- can the Ghetto Plan  be understood as  a method of closing rent gaps and as an expression of institutional racism?”


Balaji Rajkumar
UN-Habitat, Afghanistan


Martina Schmuecker
School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, UK
“Building Home’, an investigation into cooperative living spaces in cities.”


Amín Serulle
Executing Agency for the Colonial City Center of Santo Domingo


Devansh Shrivastava
Public Policy, National Law School of India University, India
“Zoning and ghettoization in a spatially polarized city: Comparative case investigation of tenure changes in disturbed areas of Ahmedabad, India”


Valerio Maria Sorgini
Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
“For a « stéréotomie urbaine » of public grounds. Housing regeneration between trace erasure and « active memory »”


Irini Vafiadis
Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy, University of Business and Economics, Vienna
“Green Gentrification and Social Justice. An intersectional approach to Urban Greening. The case of Vienna.”

George Iulian Zamfir
Faculty of European Studies,  University of Babes-Bolyai, Căși Sociale ACUM (Social Housing NOW), Romania
“What is the role of the old state housing stock in Romania’s urban policies? Renovictions, displacement and resistance.”