Actors & Bodies

The Vienna International Summer School on New Social Housing is coordinated by a Curatorial Team responsible for proposing the thematic focus, designing the programme and selecting the participants.

Faculty consisting of internationally renowned scholars in diverse fields and disciplines is nominated. The members of the Faculty commit themselves to commenting on the submitted thesis projects as well as to active participation in the organisation – by holding a talk or participating in a round table. The faculty members hold expertise in all relevant fields of housing research (urban development and regeneration, community organising, architecture and housing construction, land policy and land management, spatial planning, sociology, real estate and project development, etc.).

Local Experts support the Summer School in its effort to connect the international discourse with Vienna and its urban specifics by organizing a workshop, giving short inputs, conceptualizing walks and/or by carrying out fieldwork.



Simon Güntner, Margaret Haderer, Michael Obrist, Judith M. Lehner (TU Wien)

Christoph Reinprecht (University of Vienna)

Brigitte Felderer, Christina Schraml (University of Applied Arts Vienna)



Nina Lobnig (TU Wien)



Daniela Zupan (Bauhaus University Weimar)

Heike Oevermann (Research Unit Heritage Conservation and Building within Existing Fabric, TU Wien)

Ilze Wolff (Wolff Architects, Cape Town & Chair in the Department of Architecture at the University of Liverpool)

Kathrin Golda-Pongratz (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Department of Urbanism, Territory and Landscape DUTP)

Tatjana Schneider (Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture and the City, Technical University Braunschweig )





Araminta Perlinger (wohnfonds_wien)

Bernhard Weinberger (WUP architektur)

Christiane Feuerstein (Architect)

Elsa Prochazka (Architect)

Gerlinde Gutheil-Knopp-Kirchwald (Austrian Federation of Limited-Profit Housing Associations)

Golnar Abbasi & Arvand Pourabbasi (WORKNOT! Collective of architects, educators, researchers)

Heidrun Holzfeind (Artist & Filmmaker)

Klaus Kodydek (City of Vienna)

Gerald Kössl (Austrian Federation of Limited-Profit Housing Associations)

Julia Girardi-Hoog (Baudirektion, City of Vienna)

Michael Rosenberger (City of Vienna MA18)

Marie-Noëlle Yazdanpanah (Einküchenhaus – Verein zur Erforschung emanzipatorischer Wohnmodelle)



Kurt Hofstetter & Amila Širbegović  (MA50, City of Vienna)